MercyCare / Community Services / Family, Children and Community / Warriapendi Child Parent Centre

Warriapendi Child Parent Centre

MercyCare has partnered with Warriapendi Primary School to provide a friendly, safe place for parents with young children.

MercyCare manages the Child and Parent Centre in partnership with the Warriapendi Primary School in Balga. The Centre provides a range of easily accessible programs and services for parents, so they can drop in, relax and meet other families.

When you visit our Child and Parent Centre, you can:

  • Spend some time to relax, read a book together or play
  • Feel welcome and safe
  • Participate in free activities and let us know what interests you
  • Meet other parents and make new friends
  • Make appointments with the Child Health Nurse or a Speech Pathologist
  • Talk to our staff about services and supports for your family
  • Find out about activities and services for families and children in the area

Who is eligible for our Child and Parent Centre?

  • All mums and dads with young children, from birth to eight years of age
  • Carers, grandparents and other family members or friends
  • Parents who are expecting a baby

What’s on at the Centre

Places at some sessions are limited – please contact our staff to book a spot or get more information.

Contact us

Warriapendi Child and Parent Centre
8 Redcliffe Avenue
Balga WA 6061

Phone: (08) 6151 1980

Our partners

The Child and Parent Centre is managed by MercyCare and funded by the Department of Education.

Our centre is hosted by the Warriapendi Primary School