“I vowed when I was a teenager, that I have this talent, I will give it back until I can’t play anymore.”
News & Stories
Sharing the many gifts of music
Playing the flute and saxophone to MercyCare residents, volunteer Stephen offers entertainment, relaxation, pleasure and happy memories.
Immersive Experience Strengthens Aboriginal Perspectives in Early Learning
Eco Warriors, RAP Champions and Education Leaders were privileged to experience an on country immersion at the Cockburn Wetlands Centre.
Local School’s Recycling Initiative Inspires New Program
Thanks to the CEO Innovation Fund, Piara Waters Early Learning Centre is transforming bottle lids into everyday items.
Warriapendi Child and Parent Centre 10th Anniversary
Celebrating a vital community and child development hub that has assisted approximately 106,000 people over the last decade.
Pauline’s Smile and Compassion
A Beacon of Positivity at MercyCare’s Ballajura Early Learning Centre
The Power of Giving Back
Deborah's Story of Volunteering, Community, and Personal Growth
Join MercyCare’s Youth Action Group
MercyCare is looking for young people aged 16-25 to join our Youth Action Group to Empower Young People in WA
Empowering Communities with MercyCare
Mental Health Week 2024 brings communities across Australia together to raise awareness about the importance of mental health and wellbeing.
SAAFE Program Launch
With the support of the Sisters of St John of God, we have created a pilot program aimed at addressing family and domestic violence through early intervention and prevention.
DASSA Celebrates 10th Anniversary
A decade of providing safe, low-cost, family-friendly Aboriginal accommodation.
Excellence Gala 2024 Highlights
Our personnel walked the black carpet in their finest attire, enjoyed delicious canapés and cocktails, followed by an exciting awards presentation, a lively DJ set, and more.