Providing people in the northern suburbs with easy access to a wide range of high quality family support services
The Mirrabooka-Joondalup Family Support Network is a partnership of over two dozen government agencies and community organisations. MercyCare is the lead agency of this network, created to support families with children in their care and others in the community in need.
The Mirrabooka-Joondalup Family Support Network provides families and individuals in Perth’s northern suburbs with centralised access to a wide range of support services.
What We Do
Our Family Support Network services includes the following:
- We assist children, young people and their families to access the support they need without having to search for services themselves
- Our approach to gathering information ensures that families or individuals are not having to retell their story to each service they are referred to
- We quickly connect families or individuals to the most appropriate support services
- We work alongside families and individuals to coordinate an immediate response to complex issues, building on each of their strengths and capacity to receive support
- Work in partnership with Yorgum and other community-based groups, to provide culturally appropriate services which prioritise the needs of Aboriginal families
- Work with local community groups, like the Migrant Resource Centre, to support families from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) backgrounds
- Provide an additional level of intensive case management for families who require support for specific needs, and ensure their children are safe at home (Departmental referrals only).
How we can help
- Our staff have a good understanding of what support needs a family or individual may require
- We can find available services and identify the types of support they offer
- Our Support Network gives you the opportunity to access different services, without being placed on multiple waitlists for the same service
- By coordinating various support services and working together towards agreed goals.
Our Family Support Network can provide tailored assessment and coordination in the areas of:
- Family and domestic violence
- Services specific to migrants and Aboriginal people
- Substance use
- Financial counselling
- Mental health, including grief and loss
- Relationship difficulties, including parent/teen conflict
- Post trauma and specialist counselling services.
Am I eligible for your family support network services?
We support families with children in their care and individuals in need.
The Mirrabooka-Joondalup Family Support Network operates in the areas of
- City of Bayswater*
- City of Joondalup
- City of Stirling*
- City of Swan*
- City of Wanneroo
*Selected suburbs only. Contact us for further information.
Contact Us
Monday – Friday 9.00am-5.00pm
Phone: 1300 760 691
Address: 4 Brewer Place, Mirrabooka, WA, 6061
To make a referral, please email
When you make a referral with us, we will:
- Make contact to gather additional information
- Provide the family or individual with a range of support service options
- Facilitate all referrals to the selected services on behalf of the family or individual
- Inform the family or individual of the agency responsible for coordinating the various services if more than one has been selected, and when the services will start.
Our funders and partners

The Family Support Network is funded by the Department of Communities.
MercyCare is the lead agency of the Mirrabooka-Joondalup Family Support Network, partnered with: